Somanathapura – The OPulence of Hoysala Architecture
Somanathapura today is a small town in Mysuru district. It is home to three very notable Hoysala period temples – two of which are not necessarily in best of shape. The prime attraction of Somanathapura town is the Keshava Temple. The temples in Somanathapura are believed to be built by an army cheftian name Somanatha Dandanayaka, hence the name Somanathapura. He is believed to have built these temples during the Hoysala rule in 13th century.

It is a Tri-koota temple, that is, it is a temple with single main entrance and three inner-sanctums. All three inner sanctums are dedicated to Lord Vishnu in the form of Keshava, Janardhana and Venugopala – all three are different names of Krishna.
There are striking resemblances between the Somanathapura Temple and the temples in Beluru and Halebeedu because they are built around same period with same temple architecture popularly known as Hoysala Temple Architecture.
Somanathapura Travel Information
Somanathapura is easy to reach by road from Bangalore and Mysuru. It is about 135km from Bangalore and 35km from Mysuru.
Further information regarding Monument Entry, Operating Hours and Tourist Amenities available in Somanathapura can be found on webiste.

Nearby Tourist Attractions
Mysuru, Talakadu, Srirangapattana, Ranganatittu, Melkote, Channapattana